--First and Foremost; on this last order, I just discovered your daily specials haven't ended after midnight, which is usually when I see them. My latest purchase was a small order that I hadn't thought of but was exactly what I needed for a project!!! So, I ordered and crossed my fingers, got the sale price, YAY!! It shipped fast, had a tracking number, and was well packaged. Thanks! --Perhaps I'm missing something again, but I would love WS to give more than 5-6 days for Friday stones submissions, or for contests. --I'd have chance of participating, possibly winning things like your "name the stones" contests if it weren't over before I even see it. You don't seem to have drawings or anything more... equitable? --I could participate more with generic opportunities, such as contests or something else simply featuring base metals, with or without specific stones, etc., which I haven't found on WS, (maybe I've missed something there, too). Re: Shopping As with many, I'm on a budget. Ordering daily specials requires larger quantities of 1 or 2 items to offset shipping. OTC price is hard for my budget, therefore, its taking forever to reach the $*** membership. Conundrum. Re: Site and participation I like your daily tips, and I love the fun stuff on your site. There seems to be a sense of community and loyalty. I get that feeling on etsy, but it's a direct impact; more inclusive and flexible for me than WS. Obviously, these types of things are more suited to comfortably retired hobbyists than working poor -- that's a given. But, I often feel my jacket's a bit frayed, and I'm out of breath, just leaving nose and palm prints on places like WS windows. Since I live on the west coast and work very late, things such as your occasional "name the stones" contests are well over and done before I know they exist. I'd like to submit photos for Friday gems and stones articles. However, I mostly work in wire and pearls, so haven't found a featured item that I've already made and photographed, or even purchased materials for. Were I to order a specified stone, receive it (I live in a back woods podunk town with an additional 1-3 days longer for delivery than most places), and then find the time before/after work to make and then photograph, once again, its totally over and done before I've started. Best of luck and happiness in ****. Magan Weid DragonflyMakins