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8 Punch Dapping Set

Product ID: DAP-708.00
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45619 Reviews


The essential dapping block includes eight dapping tools with matching block, really all one needs for virtually any job. Cavity sizes are 28, 24, 20, 18, 15, 12, 9 and 6mm with corresponding punches. Block is completely smooth on opposite side for use as a bench block. This set is made of polished steel and comes in a functional wooden stand. Only from EURO TOOL. Weighs 5 lbs. 4 oz.


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45619 Reviews

Cherie G. Fast and easy!
Wendy V. I had lots of trouble signing in , and changing my password because I forgot it.
Louis F. Website is easy to use.
Lyz Y. I could not answer many of the questions on the survey, and thus it may not reflect my opinions as accurately as it could have.