Coiling and Weaving Series - Advanced
Albina Manning, originally from Russia, learned various beading and wire weaving techniques from a variety of teachers, including Dale "Cougar" Armstrong - but differing from Dale, her primary medium is round, dead soft wire. And now she's here to teach you! Come explore the world of Coiling and Weaving Wire Jewelry with Albina Manning. Read on!
DVD 3 - Golden Medallion Pendant & Viking Knit Chain
Combine the skills from the Beginner and Intermediate DVDs for elegant success! Discover the secrets behind two popular round wire designs: a dream catcher-style stitched Golden Medallion Pendant, and the centuries-old Viking Knit Chain. Hang the medallion on your handmade chain, and you'll be wearing your work on your work! You'll discover how to create wire lace, as well as use a wire jig and a draw plate. Make these designs in any metal: you'll love coiling and weaving with round wire to make these intricate designs!
Total run time is 1:35:00. Subtitles available.
For a list of all the materials used in this DVD, please visit our DVD Supply Lists.
The premier place for all your jewelry making needs. The best in wire, tools, cabochons, gemstone beads and more. As well as a superior resource for educational support to help build your jewelry making skills and techniques.