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Metalworking 101 Beginner Series DVD 2: Geometric Links Bracelet

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45619 Reviews


Metalworking 101 with Patti Bullard

Patti Bullard is a jewelry instructor, the inventor of Wubbers® pliers, and a lifelong artist. Patti has taught wire working and metal-smithing across the United States since 2004, and loves sharing her enthusiasm and techniques with others. Patti's experience in many forms of jewelry creation has given her a unique insight into the best tools and creation methods, and she enjoys teaching others how to craft unique jewelry pieces. You'll be amazed how easy Patti makes soldering!

DVD 2: Geometric Links Bracelet

Geometric Links Bracelet teaches jump ring shaping, fine soldering, working with heavy-gauge wire, and making a clasp, as well as tumbling and finishing

Shape heavy-gauge wire around Wubbers® mandrel pliers and make perfect soldered joins while making this Geometric Links Bracelet. Discover Patti's satin-smooth finish secret and find the best tool for the job. You'll create a dangly, jangly bracelet that is a great gift and will help you practice soldering.

Each DVD comes complete with written follow-up directions for each project!

Total run time is 1:12:28.


Get supplies for your Metalworking adventure - click here! And don't forget about Solder & Torches.


Videos coming soon!

45619 Reviews

Jane Q. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! I received my entire order along with the wonderful free wire from your special offer. Now I just have to find a use for it. I'm sure that won't be a problem.
Betty V. This was very simple. I am excited about this offer, and I am looking forward to learning more about making wire jewelry!
Cristina K. Website needs some updating. Loads very slow & upon checkout, buttons need to be pressed twice.
judy I. Good value great service