Many years ago, I worked as an advertising artist and one of my resources was a collection of 'cut-books'. These were published volumes that contained a selection of black and white line drawings which an artist could use for free, to help speed up certain jobs. Using this idea/inspiration within my jewelry training sessions, I cover the simple ways of creating your own inspirational 'cut book'. First purchase an inexpensive photo album and then browse through the variety of catalogues received in your mail, and cut out every 'Thing' that you find interesting. (These items may include nick-knacks, prints of framed pictures or posters, the pattern of a piece of clothing, a colorful vegetable dish, etc). Another idea is to ask a local salon to save all of their old magazines for you! These can include many typical subject choices, such as fashion, wedding, and prom, but also wildlife and sports titles, where you will find 'Things' you may not have considered 'inspirational' before! Put all of these pictures into that photo album, in a random order, (upside down, sideways), creating collage pages. When your brain hits 'artists' block', prepare your favorite beverage, relax and open your 'cut book'. Look through it from the front first, then turn it upside-down and look at it again! You will be amazed at what can 'happen' within your designs. (I do have to warn you though, often a design idea that you 'think' you are going to make sometimes develops a mind-of-it's-own during the creation process, and when completed looks nothing like your original plan!)
Stay 'Twisted'!