The equipment you will need depends on where you are going and what you are collecting. Sometimes a couple of five gallon buckets are all you need, one to carry your supplies and equipment and the other to haul your booty. Other times, a pack basket or stout backpack will do. In addition to the items listed above, the equipment I carry may include: an Estwing medium weight hammer, a short handled 2-pound sledge, two chisels, a jeweler's loupe, a pick-axe, plastic spray bottle of water, (yes, I have been known to lick rocks but this is a safer way to see the 'real' color of a rock), a 35 foot length of nylon rope, a potato rake or a small hand-held garden rake, leather gloves, a couple of small plastic bottles, (for tiny finds), and a partial roll of paper towels, (to wrap delicates in). Sometimes I carry a rock and minerals field guidebook and my camera as well. I know this seems like a lot of stuff to carry, but as I said before, what you need to carry depends on what you are searching for and where you are going to search for it!