Davina Dryland's Cascade, Classic Wire Jewelry. Spirals, Wire Spiral, Spiral Wire Wrap, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry. Residing in the United Kingdom, Davina submitted this pattern into our contest and won the Grand Prize! Therefore I had the opportunity to both meet and work with her at a wirejewelry workshop in Seattle, WA.
by Davina Dryland
  • Category: Classic
  • Technique(s): Making Spirals, Wrapping
  • Skill Level: Advanced
Residing in the United Kingdom, Davina submitted this pattern into our contest and won the Grand Prize! Therefore I had the opportunity to both meet and work with her at a wirejewelry workshop in Seattle, WA. She had brought her winning design and modeled it for us. When I asked her about her inspiration, Davina replied that she designed this lovely bracelet to represent catching a snowflake on your hand. And that's exactly what it looks like! (What a unique and special bracelet! - Dale "Cougar" Armstrong).


24 Gauge Square Half Hard .925 Sterling Silver Wire
  • Lesson Quantity: 137.00 inches
  • Purchase Quantity: 3.00 5FT
  • Price: $7.23
  • Gold Club Price: $5.42
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21 Gauge Square Half Hard .925 Sterling Silver Wire
  • Lesson Quantity: 18.00 inches
  • Purchase Quantity: 2.00 1FT
  • Price: $2.78
  • Gold Club Price: $2.09
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21 Gauge Half Round Half Hard .925 Sterling Silver Wire
  • Lesson Quantity: 9.00 inches
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 1FT
  • Price: $1.11
  • Gold Club Price: $0.84
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4mm Aquamarine 5301 Bi-Cone Swarovski Crystal Beads - Pack of 10
  • Lesson Quantity: 7.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 each
  • Price: $1.97
  • Gold Club Price: $1.48
Out of Stock
6mm Round Sterling Silver Snapset for Faceted Gemstone - Pack of 2
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 each
  • Price: $2.97
  • Gold Club Price: $2.23
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6mm Round White CZ - Pack of 2
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 each
  • Price: $1.77
  • Gold Club Price: $1.33
Out of Stock
18 Gauge Half Round Half Hard .925 Sterling Silver Wire
  • Lesson Quantity: 28.25 inches
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 5FT
  • Price: $11.09
  • Gold Club Price: $8.32
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24 Gauge Round Half Hard .925 Sterling Silver Wire
  • Lesson Quantity: 4.50 inches
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 1FT
  • Price: $1.08
  • Gold Club Price: $0.81
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4mm Crystal Aurore Boreale 5328 Bi-Cone Swarovski Crystal Beads - Pack of 10
  • Lesson Quantity: 2.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 each
  • Price: $1.57
  • Gold Club Price: $1.18
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4.5 Inch Round Nose Pliers
  • G2-12
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 each
  • Price: $3.97
  • Gold Club Price: $2.98
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6-1/2 Inch Chain Nose Pliers
  • G2-70
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 each
  • Price: $9.97
  • Gold Club Price: $7.48
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6.5 Inch Long Flat Nose Pliers - Pack of 1
  • G2-74
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 each
  • Price: $9.87
  • Gold Club Price: $7.40
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C.H.P Milano Italian Flush Cutter, 5 1/2 Inches
  • PLR-487.00
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 each
  • Price: $14.97
  • Gold Club Price: $11.23
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12 Inch Bench Shear
  • SSS-000.00
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 each
  • Price: $637.00
  • Gold Club Price: $477.75
Out of Stock
3.6 Volt Automatic Wire Twister (Cordless Screwdriver)
  • G5-15
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 each
  • Price: $42.97
  • Gold Club Price: $32.23
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Steel Oval Smooth Bracelet Mandrel
  • G7-20
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 each
  • Price: $35.97
  • Gold Club Price: $26.98
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Scotch 3/4 Inch Painters Tape for Taping Wires Together
  • G13-5
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 each
  • Price: $5.97
  • Gold Club Price: $4.48
Out of Stock
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Step 1:
Making the Snowflake
Straighten, clean, measure and cut all wires. On each 3" piece of 24-gauge square wires, measure ½" from each end and mark. Thread a 4mm aquamarine bi-cone Swarovski crystal onto the wire, then using flat nose pliers bend wire 90° at the mark. Push the crystal up to the bend, pull the wire down and around the crystal and secure underneath with chain nose pliers. Repeat at each end of every 3" 24-gauge square wire.
Davina Dryland's Cascade - Making the Snowflake, Classic Wire Jewelry, Spirals, Wire Spiral, Spiral Wire Wrap, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry,
Step 2
Measure the length of each 24-gauge square wire with the crystals, find and mark the center. Then using round nose pliers bend the wire at this point to create a v shape with the wire. Repeat with other two wires with crystals.
Davina Dryland's Cascade - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Spirals, Wire Spiral, Spiral Wire Wrap, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry,
Step 3
Place the bend part of each wire around every second prong in the 6mm silver snapset. Hold the wires and snapset secure while turning upside down to push a 6mm CZ into the snapset. (Make sure the wires don't come out of place)
Davina Dryland's Cascade - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Spirals, Wire Spiral, Spiral Wire Wrap, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry,
Step 4
Measure and mark the center point on the pieces of 3" 21-gauge square wire, use flat nose pliers place the mark in the middle of the pliers and with your fingers push both ends of the 90° in the same direction. Repeat on the other five pieces of 3" of 21-gauge square wire
Davina Dryland's Cascade - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Spirals, Wire Spiral, Spiral Wire Wrap, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry,
Step 5
Measure and mark ½" from the 90 degree angle use round nose pliers bend the wire 180° around with fingers. Measure and mark ¼" from the 180° angle and bend again with round nose pliers 180° up. To finish the end of wire off curve the end inwards and around. Mirror the design on the other side of wire. Repeat pattern on all other five pieces of 3" 21-gauge square wire
Davina Dryland's Cascade - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Spirals, Wire Spiral, Spiral Wire Wrap, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry,
Step 6
Attaching pattern wire to snowflake. Use 1 ½" of 21-gauge half-round silver wire wrap five time around the 24-gauge square with crystal and two 21-gauge square pattern pieces. Repeat with all pattern pieces till snowflake is complete.
Davina Dryland's Cascade - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Spirals, Wire Spiral, Spiral Wire Wrap, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry,
Step 7:
Making the Bracelet
Straighten, clean, measure and cut all wires. Twist two strands of 16" 21-gauge square wire with a wire twister. Place the twisted strands as the second one in from the outer end of the bundle. Bundle all 8 lengths of 16" 21-gauge square wires make one end flush, (tape the bundle at the ends and middle to make it easier to hold). Measure from the flush end 1" and mark, then measure from this point 3" down the bundle and mark.

Repeat down the bundle and you should have five marks which are 3" apart. Use 4 ¾" length of 18-gauge half-round wire, make a hook that will cover the bundle, wrap around at the mark five times. Repeat at each mark on the bundle. (When all the wraps are complete and bundle is secure you can remove the tape if used)
Davina Dryland's Cascade - Making the Bracelet, Classic Wire Jewelry, Spirals, Wire Spiral, Spiral Wire Wrap, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry,
Step 8
At the other end to the flush end of the bundle, pair up the stands and pull apart/space with fingers. On the bottom three paired strands use round nose pliers, place 1" from the end of wire (top wire of each pair) bend up 90°, moves pliers down wire a bit, bend wire 180° around to make a small semi-circle, bend the wire back flush with bottom paired wire. Use 1 ½" 18-gauge half-round wire, wrap twice around to secure the pairs of wire together. Trim excess wire on the ends and fold the end underneath (the underside of the bracelet) with flat nose and push together. Repeat on the other two pairs.
Davina Dryland's Cascade - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Spirals, Wire Spiral, Spiral Wire Wrap, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry,
Step 9
Attaching the crystals. Thread on a 4mm crystal aurore bi-cone Swarovski bead on 1 ½ " 24-gauge half-hard round wire, form a hook at the end, attach the hook at the top part of the semi-circle. Make sure it is secure using chain nose pliers. The crystal should sit in the semi-circle of the wire, secure the loose end of the wire around the 21-gauge wires. Repeat with another 4mm crystal aurora and a 4mm aquamarine bi-cone Swarovski. The top two strands of wire curl in with round nose pliers to form two tight swirls.
Davina Dryland's Cascade - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Spirals, Wire Spiral, Spiral Wire Wrap, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry,
Step 10
At the flush end of the bundle, pull out the two outer wires from each edge and curl outwards to the bundle using round nose pliers. The center four strands of wire, bend them upwards with fingers. Place the round nose pliers on all the ends of the wire and roll downwards to form a hook.
Davina Dryland's Cascade - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Spirals, Wire Spiral, Spiral Wire Wrap, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry,
Step 11
Attach the snowflake onto the hook, push ends closed with chain nose pliers till the snowflake is secure on the bundle.
Davina Dryland's Cascade - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Spirals, Wire Spiral, Spiral Wire Wrap, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry,
Step 12
Shape the bundle on an oval bracelet mandrel. The snowflake rests on the back of the hand, the bracelet then wraps around the wrist once and the end rests up the arm.
Davina Dryland's Cascade - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Spirals, Wire Spiral, Spiral Wire Wrap, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry,
Davina Dryland's Cascade - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Spirals, Wire Spiral, Spiral Wire Wrap, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry,