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Wubbers Wire Working Set - Basic

Product ID: G15-11
Special Offer

Order 1 of this product and get:
1 Wooden Plier Stand Included in kit
1 C.H.P Milano Italian Flush Cutter, 5 1/2 Inches Included in kit
1 Wire Looping Wubbers Included in kit
1 Wubbers Medium Bail Making Pliers Included in kit
1 Classic Wubbers Narrow Flat Nose Pliers Included in kit
1 Classic Wubbers Round Nose Pliers Included in kit
1 Classic Wubbers Chain Nose Pliers Included in kit
A $169.39 VALUE!!
45619 Reviews


The Basic Wubbers Designer Wire Working Set saves you the trouble of narrowing down what Wubbers pliers you need: here's what we recommend for a starter set! You'll get the Basic 4 pliers covered by the Wubbers Classic Chain, Round, Narrow Flat nose, and the Italian Super Flush Cutters. Then play with the Medium Bail Making pliers and Looping pliers for all those perfect swirls and curls you love! And to top it off, keep them organized with this bonus plier rack. You'll love your Wubbers!

Here are the amazing tools you'll get in this set:

  • Wubbers Classic Chain Nose Pliers
  • Wubbers Classic Round Nose Pliers
  • Wubbers Classic Narrow Flat Nose Pliers
  • Wubbers Medium Bail Maker Pliers
  • Wubbers Looping Pliers
  • Super Flush Cutters
  • BONUS: Plier Rack

Can't get enough Wubbers? Check out the DELUXE Wubbers Plier Set!


Videos coming soon!

45619 Reviews

Deana B. never have a problem finding what I need!
Vanetta Y. Site is really hard to use - it is very slow, trying to finish an order is not easy either. My order arrived quicker than expected, unlike orders I had made several years ago, which was one reason I stopped ordering from wirejewelry.com. At that time, I was also bombarded with sales pitches for videos. I never could guess when an order would arrive at that time either. It seems there has been an improvement.
daphne H. thank you great service, daphne pahl
Abby D. Wire sculpture has the most extensive inventory when it comes to gems, tools, and anything for jewelry making including dvds. I just simply love this site, and as an avid jewelry designer/maker, i would recommend it to anyone! I also love that you can create and save wish lists to come back to later and they don't delete them, so you can always access the items you'd like to purchase at a later date!