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Large Rawhide Hammer 1 1/2 inch - Pack of 1

Product ID: G3-50
  • 11 1/2 inches long
  • 1 1/2 inch diameter head
  • Wooden handle
  • Made in China
  • Sold individually
45619 Reviews


1 1/2 Inch Large Rawhide Hammer - Pack of 1. This one is larger and very well crafted.


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45619 Reviews

Maria N. Quick delivery
Jannette S. Didn't have any problems with my order
Michele I. I was disappointed in the ***ct cats eye mix I received. There was only one large stone (30mm x 40mm) but there was 29 small 10x8 stones and 10 of those were brown. The other 16 stones were mid size. I was hoping for more that were a good size for wrapping. The 10x8s can be wrapped but not as easily. I guess I'll be using most of them for bead embroidery. A couple of the stones had misshapen edges that I hope will not show in the pieces I use them in. The 1/4lb. cab assortment was almost as much of a disappointment. There sure weren't as many stones in the order as in the picture. The size ranges were okay-still too many small stones. There were seven (7 out of 22 stones in the order) smallish orange stones in different shapes that I think may be red adventurine that I don't know what I'll use them with. I don't make many orange pieces. Some of the stones I identified fairly easily. There are a couple I have no idea what they are. I didn't find anything similar in the catalog. A list of what you sent would be a nice addition. I thought I would give the assortments a try just so I would have a variety of new stones to play with. I was afraid there would be a bunch of small filler stones in the order and I was correct. I had hoped I would be wrong. I don't think I'll order any more mixes unless I can figure out a good way to use the small fillers. The order came complete with no problems. The individual cabs I ordered are nice. The jury is still out on the DVDs I ordered. I'm glad I didn't pay full price for the ones I have watched so far. I'll order from you again. You still have a better selection and better prices on wire wrapping supplies. I hope you replenish your wire stock soon though. You are always out of the wire I am shopping for. Thank you for all the educational information you offer. It has been a great resource and inspiration. Sorry if this feedback has been up and down but I believe in telling the truth-how else will you know where to improve and what you are doing right.
Stephanie E. I hoe this turns out to be as easy as using Wubbers